Kamis, 21 Juni 2012


ü  Pengantar
Vocabulary enrichment (pengayaan kosakata) adalah juga menjadi bagian yang wajib dilakukan oleh language learner agar punya cukup bekal untuk memahami bacaan, atau percakapan dan juga agar mampu memproduksi ujaran yang sesuai dengan situasi yang ada. Penyajian kosa kata di bab ini dikelompokan menurut kelompoknya masing-masing misalnya kategori profession, name of abjacts, economic and office terms, easurements, etc.

ü  Word Lish
a.              Profession
-            Accountant            : a person whose job is control and examine the money of
                                  business or people.
-            Engineer                  : a person who is professionally trained to plan the making
  of engines, roads, bridges, equipments, etc.  
-            Stenographer       : a person who uses shorthad to write down what some one
  is saying then types a copy of it.
-            Draftman                  : a person who makes drawing of all the parts of a new
  building of machine.
-            Carpenter                               : a person who skillful in making, repairing of wooden
-            Electrician               : a person whose job is skillful in using fixing, repairing
  electric devices, ect.
-            Plumber                     : a person whose job is to fix and repair pipes, and
  bathroom apparatus.
-            Welder                       : a person whose job is connect metal joints.
-            Clerk                          : a person whose job is to keep records and accounts or 
  do general office work.
-            Secretary                                : a person whose job is to type letters, to keep record, or
  to arrenge meeting for someone.
-            Freeman                    : a person whose job is putting out fires.
-            Beautician               : a person whose job is to beautify and perform treatment
  to skin, hair, etc.
b.             Economic and office terms (istilah-istilah ekonomi dalam kantor)
-            Letterhead / sender’s addres        : alamat pengirim
-            Place and date                                       : tempat dan tanggal
-            Number / encoding                            : nomor surat / pengkodean
-            Subject / refrence                              : hal / referensi
-            Adressee / receiver address         : alamat penerima
-            Attention line                                         : baris perhatian
-            Solutation                                               : salam pembuka
-            Letter body                                             : isi surat
-            The complementary closure           : salam penutup
-            Signature                                                                : tanda tangan
-            Initial                                                            : inisial
-            Enclosure                                                                : lampiran
-            Cc / carbon copy                                               : tembusan
-            Ps / pos script                                       : nb / nota bene
c.              Kinds of letters (macam-macam surat)
-            Latter of application                          :surat lamaran
-            Letter of request                                  : surat permintaan
-            Letter of complaint                              : surat keluhan
-            Letter  of order                                      : surat pesanan
-            Seles letter                                             : surat penjualan
d.              About company
-            National / local company                                : perusahaan nasional / local
-            Overscase company                          : perusahaan luar negri
-            International / global company     : perusahaan global / intering
-            Join vuture company                          : perusahaan patungan
-            Transnational company                   : perusahaan lintas usaha
-            Holding company                                                : perusahaan induk, perusahaan yang
  memiliki satu atau beberapa anak cabang
-            Subsidiary company                          : anak perusahaan
e.              About employee
-            Permanent employee                          : pegawai tetap
-            Fixed term contract                             : pegawai kontrak

f.               Provisions (ketentuan-ketentuan)
-            Functional / ositioning title             : jabatan
-            Job and responsilalitier                    : tugas / tanggung jawab
-            Trial period                                             : kesedian menjalani percobaan
-            Office hours / hours of work         : jam kerja
-            Duration of kontract                          : masa berlakunya / perjanjian
-            Remuneration / rewards                   : honor / gaji, insentif, bonus, pensiun, dll.
-            Leaves and termination                     : hak cuti dan masalah-masalah kerja
-            Social security                                      : tunjangan-tunjangan
-            Compensation                                      : santunan dan asuransi
-            Dependents, allowance                    : tunjangan anak –istri
-            Medical allowance                                                : tunjangan kesehatan
-            Transport allowance                          : tunjangan ongkos
-            Teatory study allowance                 : tunjangan pendidikan
-            Viliences                                                   : keutamaan
-            Seubsidies                                              : subsidi-subsidi
-            Residential                                               : hunian
-            Tax of income                                        : pajak penghasilan
g.              Words and expressions used to draw conclusion
-            Finally...
-            Thus...
-            So,...
-            To sum up,...
-            All in all,...
-            We come to the conclusion that,
h.              Measurements (ukuran-ukuran)
-            1ft                                 : 30,5 cm
-            12 inches                  : 1 foot (ft)
-            1 yd                              : 91,5 cm
-            3 feed                         : 1 yard (yd)
-            1 inches                     : 2,54 cm
-            1760 yards              : 1 mile
-            1 mile                           : 1,6 km

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